Thursday, July 11, 2013

Bedazzled Mirror

Project of the Day

Boy, was it hot today! Kept me indoors all afternoon. Since I couldn't play with my plants, I transformed a plain-jane mirror into a bedazzled one. Armed with a super glue, I laid out all the broken bits and pieces of old jewelries, jems and stones I found cluttering everywhere. I used basically anything colorful and shiny and flat on the back.Without a pattern on hand, I just jumbled all the colors, shapes and sizes to come up with an eclectic design.

Not too bad I think.

Here are some photos.

The Subject

Saturday, July 6, 2013

The Reason I Don't Blog Anymore

Okay so it's been awhile since I updated this online journal of mine. It seems like I have been spending a lot of time in my garden but then again, who can blame me. It always put a smile on my face every time I am out and about with my little shovel and gardening gloves. I am actually the happiest when accomplishing tangibly productive work like gardening. As everyone knows, when you do meaningful work with your hands, a kind of happy brain chemicals flood your mind. So yes, it's my natural form of anti-depressant. Something I really need nowadays since I am currently not working.

So first, since our place is still new and lacking of a sitting area outside, I put some plants together, bought some new seat covers, collected some pebbles and transformed the car port into a semi-sitting/reading area. I dream of something like a tropical-inspired area in the future but this make shift one might just do for now.
I really need more plants to cover the sheer ugliness of the concrete wall.
Yes, I did that mahogany garden fence with my  hands hence the outcome. ;-)

Then I started collecting some plants and seeds. I am in the initial stage of my so-called beautification project of this once-been-neglected plot of land. So bear with me. Hopefully, after a few months there will be another set of "after" pictures. And there will be more flowers and more colors and beauty to show off.

Lastly, my first attempt of a vegetable garden. Okay so there are no beds as you can see. My brother-in-law, Joseph and I helped dig the soil and I did the pathway myself. I just threw a couple of seeds a few days ago but obviously the garden needs more work and more plants. I can't wait to see the aftermath of this project. I am giddy with excitement!

Okay looks horrible from this view but let me assure you, months from now this will become the most sought-after vegetable haven in town! 
(Ha, a girl can dream ya' know)
