Saturday, July 12, 2014


Did I happen to tell you how much I love you Little Susie?
Did I happen to tell how sweet I think you are?
Did I happen to tell you're Mama's angel girl?
And Papa's little shining star?

                                      -Mary Gordon,"Circling My Mother"

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Time With S

It all started in the airport, at Carousel A.
The blue tiger shoes, the blonde hair.
The look of acknowledgement, the smile.
Then the awkward pleasantries and the first embrace.

Dinner with my folks. Them, scrutinizing you.
The longest joining of lips and the getting-to-know phase.
You- making me laugh. You- making me smile.
My curiosity was piqued. Not sure with yours.
Turning off the lights. You- sleeping on my bed.
While I lay on the couch, wide-eyed.

The walk in our neighborhood, the jeans, the specs.
Conversations, laughs and some tears of joy.
The red, hot Camaro. The bloody red, hot Camaro.
The attention you gave to it. My slight jealousy over it. ;-)
Three consecutive nights in Ducksworth, or maybe just two.
A glass of wine for me and a few bottles of beer for you.
Suspecting the waiter as queer,
as he was undoubtedly hitting on you.;-)

The lovely summer walk around Lake Norman.
Witnessing two squirrels getting hot and heavy.
At least, that's what our filthy little minds came up to.
Looking out over the lake-feeling the warmth of the sun.
Marveling at the beauty of the surrounding and of you.
Sitting on a bench- talking about our life and our plans.
All things seemed beautiful at that moment in time.

Watching Karl Pilkington and his brilliant idiocies.
You, enduring Love Actually with me. Without falling asleep.
Losing your phone at NASCAR. A brief moment of panic.
And the sigh of relief when we finally found it in the end.
Cruising in the red hot Camaro which I began to love.
Enjoying Charlie's smoothies and coffee at lunch.
And just being together while the world spin around.

Our time together was short. Numbered.
Yet it was delightful. Splendid!
And with an absolute certainty, I shall be wanting for more!
Come back soon love. I miss your company.
I like what we had and I want it again, very much!

Told you so.
And yeah, the bloody red, hot Camaro.