Thursday, September 27, 2012

Life is good

I have a blog, dont I? But seems like I have been neglecting it for the last few weeks and it isn't because there hasn't been anything going on in my life. Much to the contrary actually. See what happens when life is good! I mean really good? The writing stops all together. I have been wrapped up in my charming little life that I forgot about blogosphere.Let me try to remedy that for you.
First off, my dream house is finally coming to life. For the past 10 months now my mom, sister Honey and I have been very busy with all the preparation of the house building. Finally, this month of September the house is well, almost finished. Just need painting, ceiling, tiles and some finishing touches. Okay, there are a lot more work to do but at least its almost done. My sister Honey was there to chronicle every step and misstep of the building process. She regularly sends us photos of it. So here are some of it.

I can't wait for it to be completely finished. Whew soon,  we can have something we can call our " Home". Sweet! Now for the other good news, well I suppose I will just leave it for the next blog, keep you guys hanging on for a bit :-).

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