Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Love Story 1

Mystery Letter Reunites Couple After 63 Years Apart

For Attebery, it was the culmination of a long-held dream. “I really loved that woman from day one,” he said. “But she had no idea."

He’d kept every paper towel note she’d written over all these years, and would look at them and think of her with a fondness from time to time. And after two marriages—one ended in divorce, and his second wife died in 1989—he felt ready to get in touch with her. “It seemed to me the time was right to send it,” he said of his note.

The two were married at the end of May before 150 people in West Tisbury, Massachusetts, on Martha’s Vineyard, where they are now living and where Riggs has family roots going back 250 years. Attebery’s best man at the ceremony was his son, a music teacher who lives in New York.

“There’s that word grand that you don’t hear so much anymore,” he said about the whole experience. “Well, this is grand for me.”

For Riggs, who was first married at age 20, this love story has been quite different. “We both know what’s important now. We have a limited amount of time and we’re not going to waste it,” she explained. “It’s wonderful.”

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