Thursday, August 1, 2013

Cross Stitch Galore

 Look what I unearthed today? A collection of my cross stitch works. I remember selling some of my stuff before at my sister's store but when it closed, I had to put all my works in a box and I totally forgot all about it until recently when I was cleaning the attic. Oh boy, I still have a handful of frames. All of these were made 6 years ago except for one, the first ever cross-stitch I made which is like 17 years old. Anyway, I am unsure of what to do with all these, maybe I'd add more and try selling again or..Well, it doesn't matter, I like keeping "them" for now, they make such pretty display anyway.;-)

Photos are below.

The one on the top is my first cross stitch.  Below is my sis Honey's work.
It depicts the crush I had on a PBA player, Victor Pablo. ;-)

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