Sunday, September 18, 2011

Just like me

My lil girl, Suzy a.k.a Tating, just turned 5 a month ago, and she is growing up so fast. She turns out to be such a sweet lil child. I don't remember much of my own childhood,you know, what I was like, and what I did mostly, but my mom said, she is becoming just like me.(not sure if Suzy would like that though). But that being said, I think what my mother meant when she said that, was, just like me, my Suzy is:

1. quite sensitive, emotional to that effect.She cries easily over sad movie scenes. I began to notice that when she was 2, and she was watching a scene from the movie Tarzan, you know, when Baby Tarzan was separated from her mother, and she began to cry, like really crying, I was quite touched yet amused by her sensitiveness.

2. not afraid to speak out her own mind and fight for what she believes in (well my mom labels that as, talking back and being stubborn, lol). Oh yes, she always have reasons to disagree with me all the time..

3. a tough lil cookie. When she scrapes her knees or falls, she doesn't cry (sure, you could see tears around the corners of her lil eyes) but she doesn't go screaming and crying a river because of it.

4. funny, silly and a dreamer. She likes to become a dentist, a doctor, a nurse, and a farmer when she grows up. I told her its impossible to juggle several jobs at once, she then answered, " Ma, I will be a doctor after I become a dentist, then a nurse after that, then have my farm and so on and so forth."
Wouldn't that make you smile?

5. a typical Gemini. She wants to be here, there and everywhere. She likes to do this and that. She can't decide between Justin Beiber and Ringo (Coco Martin). She is restless.(is that good or bad) I think just like me, she is born with the "itch". The urge to explore the world and understand the workings of existence. And just like me, I think she would think of life as just a short visit here on earth, I have to do everything possible to make the visit an exciting an adventurous one. Hence, all the traveling (if I could afford it), all the romances (no comment), all the ambition, and all the food in the world.I know it still early to predict that, and each one of us is bound to live a different life from others but ( hey) Gemini people are oftentimes, like that.

6. kind to others. Sometimes, though, she exaggerates her kindness by giving most of her clothes and shoes to less-fortunate ones.(leaving her with a few pieces). Now, we are not wealthy by any means but if she happens to see lil kids with torn and ragged clothes, she would then look at me, with a look that seems to say " Mama, shall we give them my clothes?".Sigh.And for that, I am very proud of her.

Okay, well those so far, are the things that me and her share for the most part (if you agree with the me part (big grin).But of course, there are other sides of her that seem to be the opposite of mine. Maybe, those things written above rather surprised me because its like watching myself grow up from my very own eyes.
I know it's not my fantastic, ahem, parenting (by the way,thanks to my sisters for looking after her when I am away), that created such a sweet girl, I think she just came out that way. Sometimes I just look at her, without her knowing and I then think to myself, what a wonderful world.

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Me and my Suzy.



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