Sunday, September 18, 2011

Purely Karen


-is of Scandinavian origin. Means pure. Just like my friend Karen. She is just who she is. No masks, no pretensions. Purely Karen.

I heard once that most of the times,people we choose to be our friends are people who have personality traits that we wished we have. I couldn't agree more, I admired Karen's love for fun and excitement.

It was 15 years ago when I met her. We went to highschool together. At first, I wasn't really fond of her,

I mean, she was just so over friendly, animated and gay and maybe I was the opposite. But somehow we just clicked.We became instant bestfriends. Apart from being talented, gorgeous and sexy (utang nato) , she was one those people who was friends with everybody in school. Always had something pleasant to say and no matter what was going on she could get you to smile. That was how she was like, Miss Congeniality and still is now. And the good thing was, she seemed to have infected me with her very outgoing and vivacious personality, well, sort of.

I remember, back in highschool she had a crush on someone. I'm not gonna name names ;) Anyway I knew he liked her too, who wouldn't, ya know? I remember he asked her once to dance with her and I'm pretty sure the song by Lighthouse Family, Lost in Space still rings a bell. Oh God, the whole time he was dancing with her, it seemed like the whole class was giggling too.

I also remember how Karen and I along with several other classmates managed to ride on a motorela (with no money and care in the world), and just as we were about to reach our destination, we would jumped out of it and let our forever dependable treasurer Ms. Gemma Yt. to pay the fare. Sorry Gem. Oh yes, we had our share of "pamukongs".

I bet the sexy, Ms. Glenda B.still recalls how Karen and I, out of impulse, just hopped on the jeepney with her on it just to see where she lived without any invitation.( Oh it was so against her will!). Spontaneity, oh yes we love and practice that word.

When I ran for a position in the Student Body Organization, she was like my one-man cheering team, (Go Gigi), she supported me all the way, even though I lost, she was still there. She had to be, lol.

Once we were scolded by our english teacher Mrs. Tero (God rest her soul) for being so loud and obnoxious in class (yes of all people, the two of us). Then she went on comparing us with the beautiful Ms. Apple Jean who as Mrs. Tero labelled as reserved and quite, and we were like whispering, " you gotta be kidding us Maam, Apple Jean?She was as crazy as we were, you just didn't catch her with her various antics." Lol

Yes K, I remember our glory days. I remember it all.

Karen you will always be a part of me, and so as the few real friends I have. But you guess it right, you, I think is my ultimate bff. I love you. Because you are just simply Karen Marie.



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Karen and I

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