Monday, November 7, 2011

Susan Palmes

My Mother


My Mother

Today is my mom’s birthday.

As much as she aggravates me ;-) and I aggravate her and as often as she drives me completely up the wall with her unending opinions, I still love my mother a great deal. We argue a lot ya’ know but today, it’s her day and I think she deserves a public praise. This page is for my mother who turns 50-something today.

Things I admire the most about my Nanay.

1. Being a single mother.

My mom wasn’t the typical PTA-officer/ cookie-baker/ homemaker type of mom. She was more than that. Nanay raised my brother, two sisters and me mostly alone. Saying that she is a superwoman is an understatement; she is the hardest of worker I know. This is the woman who got her masters degree while working 2-3 jobs when her children were in college and high school. She came from nothing but made herself into something professional and worth respecting for.
Susan Palmes, as what she is known for, became successful in her profession as a TV/Radio commentator/journalist and teacher and that’s while she tried to keep food on the table and everything else we need.

I can remember one time when I was 17, while processing my school requirements for college enrollment, she was talking to other parents while waiting for me. There she was, doing one of her sideline jobs, selling life insurance and coffins. Yes coffins, I remember thinking while she was showing the brochures to them, “not cool mom, not cool, not in front of other students”. I thought it was embarrassing. Well, I was young and stupid back then. Now having my own daughter, I’m just beginning to fathom exactly how much parents do for their children and how much we take it for granted. There wasn’t anything in the world that my mother wouldn’t do for us. And I really respect her for that.

2. Her wit and sarcasm.

Sometimes I wish I could take back the hard and hurtful times I placed upon her, ya’ know? Because she told me that’s once my own daughter reach the turbulent teenage-life, then it’s payback time. Oh isn’t she the sweetest? And that's two of the many things I love about my mother, her colorful insults and quirky sense of humor.

I tend to misplace, forget and lose things a lot. At one point she told me, I am lucky that my vagina isn’t detachable, if not; it would always be in the “Lost and Found” items. No wonder why she wouldn’t give me valuable items as birthday presents like jewelry and stuff. Well she does but only to my two responsible and very well-organized sisters.

3. Her very deep and distinct voice.

As a child I considered her an authoritative and intimidating figure. Oh boy, was I scared of my mother. Plus the fact that she has this certain kind of voice very deep yet big and it gets into my nerves in sort of chilling way. It’s like every time I hear her speak, I try to remember if I am into sort of trouble or something.

My mom can probably remember this, well, I used to wet the bed when I was about 6 or 7. Anyway, every morning she would check if the pants I worn the night before is wet. You see, bed-wetting equals a morning of non-stop preaching. Day after day I would get a scolding if I ever did the ‘thing’.

It wasn’t easy ya’ know, I still hadn’t master bladder-control that well. So anyway, I got smart. To avoid my mom’s mouth every morning, I put my wet pants on the fan to dry and put baby powder on the bed so it wouldn’t smell. Well she didn’t know back then, but now well, you get the point.

Anyway one morning, I got tired of doing the same routine all over again, I just told her that dwarfs were tickling me in my dreams, hence the ‘thing’ happened again. She laughed out so hard, she just let me go without a word.

Oh yeah, I was undeniably scared of my mom but that did me good, I overcame the awkward phase eventually. I grew up hearing that voice of hers. I don’t care if it won’t ever stop lecturing me on my latest misadventures but as long as I hear it, I know life is okay.

4. Her big purse/bag.

She's known for her big bags. She used to carry it every day to work. And I'm not talking about those big designer tote bags but those unfashionable ones which were always full of something. In it were things unimaginable, mixed together. Like a slice of squash, a handful of onions and garlics, a kilo of rice, pocketbook, a tape recorder, toiletries, extra shirt, her water bottle and a few other knick knacks, all in one bag. She is a cowboy mom. Our family's necessities come first then fashion, if she ever cares about it.

5. Being a true warrior.

I know raising four children has not been a piece of cake but not once did I ever see her wanted to give up on life. She hasn't had the easiest life but she has done the best with what she has. She has always put mine, my brother and sisters needs before her own. My mom has endured many trials in her life, and sometimes I admit, I’ve questioned why my mom should be inflicted with so many unfair circumstances. But those trials have not broken her. Instead, she seems to be stronger and wiser than ever. Her indomitable spirit is just amazing.

There are a lot more reasons why I am grateful to be my mother's daughter and I know I have done such an inadequate job of painting this picture of her. There are no words to describe how incredible my mother is. I thank you Nay for everything.

Happiest of birthdays, may this year be your best one yet.

By the way, to everyones surprise, last year my mum got married to Mr. Ronald Dennis and relocated in Charlotte, North Carolina. Everyone is so happy that she is now having the time of her life after all the years of hard work for the family. My step dad Ron is such a wonderful man and he cares for my mom and treats her like the queen that she is. I think she is happier now and she truly deserves it.
I am very grateful to have such an amazing, tough and loving mother.
                                                                   My Mom and Dad

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