Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A Wedding, New Work and a Birthday.

Last night one of my dearest friends got married. Conie, my friend since college married her boyfriend of 6 years.Though I missed the mass, I was in in time for their grand entrance in the hall. They danced for what seemed to be forever and it really caught me by surprise. Even the groom Gege, whom I know is a lit bit shy, did his part, he danced his heart out and wow! They both looked so happy together. I have never seen Conie look so radiant as she did last night. With flowers on her hair, she looked so carefree and just amazing.
The night before the wedding, she called me to ask if I could deliver a speech on her special day. At first, I declined as I wasn't prepared plus I dread being on a spotlight. But who am I to decline? She is a loyal and dear friend to me. Good thing my friends, Imelda, Bopep, Michael and his fiancee, Jobel, Mitchie were there to give moral support. So thankfully, I did it without stammering. All in all, I super love the wedding, and the green theme plus I got a young Java mint plant for a souvenir, which sadly I left in the toilet when I changed after the party. Tsk, tsk. classic Regina as what Michael said. Anyway, it was so heartwarming to see someone close to me finally got hitched to the love of her life. Best wishes to both of you, Conie and Gege!

Oh by the way, I have a new job! Wohooh! As a customer service representative for Redpocket Mobile. Though I have to travel an hour and 30 minutes for five days in week and endure irate customers' verbal attacks, I have to put up with it as my Lil Suzy is going back to school this June  Hopefully this job will pay for her tuition and help sustain our needs. God is really good as He answered my prayer. Just when I thought, getting a job here was impossible then I got a call from B Associates. I was teary eyed because this meant that I don't have to fly back to US this year. Suzy and I won't be separated again.
God never fails to amaze me! I know that He has other plans for Suzy and I. So now, everything that comes my way, I accept and take it with all my heart. His time is the best time. He is the one and only God. Love you Jesus!

And oh before I forgot, yesterday was my Suzy's 6th Birthday. However, due to my work, we had to have an early celebration last Sunday. Her father, Donie provided everything. From her cake to her dress, shoes and her gifts. Her grandma, Susan who is in North Carolina also sent her share. After working from 12midnight to 10am, I had to rush to the mall to buy the things we needed for the party. Good thing, my sister Honey was there for me. She prepared everything, the food and the party essentials. I had a short sleep then off we went to my grandpa's house for the party. My 8 year old cousin Koy2x, also had his birthday so it was a dual celebration.
Speaking of Suzy, as I looked at her in her dress, as she was enjoying her lil party, I was beaming with pride and joy inside. Though she drives me nuts sometimes, she is still ultimately love. Watching her made me realized that somehow, I must have done something righteous that God gave me her as a reward. I am so fascinated that not only she makes other people happy (with her amusing lil gestures) but how she makes me so complete and grounded. She just makes everything wonderful. I am so proud of her. Love you Tating!


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