Wednesday, May 2, 2012

When life gives you lemons

Last Monday, Suzy and I flew to Manila for her visa interview. Unfortunately, the US embassy didn't grant her visa. Of course, I was disappointed. I was really hoping to bring her this summer to US. I cried, ya' know. But well, it's life. Sometimes it gives you lemons.So to make up for the sad news,  I brought her to Ocean Park in Manila as we still had 5 hours to kill before our flight back to CDO. Upon seeing all the different types of fishes there, I think she forgot about the visa all at once. Kids are resilient so good thing she is only five. After seeing the big aquarium, I took her to different rides like the roller coaster sims and the go cart. I fed her with sweet treats like ice cream and other foods she love. Well, I was trying my best to make our day happy despite the visa outcome. She was all so giddy and smiley which I thought was a good thing. Being an adult, I was more affected than her. Thinking that I might have to fly back again to US without her, made my knees weak and my heart ached. I just couldn't do it anymore. I just hope that I will get a new job here very soon. I will really try my very best to look for one. Susy is the only one I got and I don't wanna be far from her anymore, not even a inch so I am crossing my fingers.

Oh by the way, I swore to myself that I will never fly with Zest Air again. On that very same day, it seemed that there were a lot of lemons thrown at us. On our flight back to CDO, Suzy and I almost didn't board the plane as the crew wouldn't let us. Why? Because I didn't bring a copy the of my dad's credit card with me (he booked our flight for us). I told them that on our flight to Manila, they didn't ask for one, how come on our return flight they asked for it, it was a bit of inconsistent of them, don't ya think? Most domestic airlines don't ask for it anymore, as long as you bring your ID's.
So I told them , "So what you are telling me is, I have to go out, find a computer, and print the copy, come back here and If I am lucky we can still catch the flight, what If I won't make it on time?" They told me to get on the next flight which will be in the next morning. Which means that I will have to book a flight again, cost my dad another $100 and which also means that we have to either sleep in the airport or pay a ridiculous price for one night n a hotel.  I told them its 3:00 am in the US right now, it would be impossible for me to get hold of  my dad as for sure they are sleeping . I pleaded , I begged, told them that I didn't have the extra means to stay one night in Manila, but no, they seemed to have hearts of stone. Keep on declining my request.
So I called my dad, good thing he answered after a few rings and told him about my dilemna. I asked him to email me the copy of the credit card.  I then asked one of the crews if I could use their computer (one they used in checking in passengers) to check my mail and told them that instead of a hard copy, I could show them my dad's email with the scanned copy. (They hadn't though of that)  Good thing they agreed. Suzy and I were the last ones to board the plane. Whew, what an experience. Zest Air customer service sucks! It was my first time and never again!

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