Saturday, April 28, 2012

Fruit of my labor

This afternoon, I was out doing some gardening when I noticed the atis (sugar-apple) tree and its almost-riped fruits. The tree is 6m high and leaning on our neighbor's wall.  I looked closely and  I noticed the color is greenish-yellow, meaning: it's good to eat already. So I hurriedly grabbed the old wooden crib, positioned it upside down and stepped on it. Then I was able to climbed the tree. The said tree is in our backyard but the branches with the fruits on it are sort of hanging into our neighbor's yard. So I have to pick the fruits as quickly as possible with one foot on the tree and the other on the wall, before our neighbor could noticed who's the monkey climbing  on their very wall. Their barking dog wasn't helping at all. (Oh boy was he loud!)
Then I asked Suzy to catch the fruits using a basin. Thankfully, she did a good job and thanfully I didn't stir up the neighborhood. Now I can't wait to eat the fruit of my labor! ;-)

Sugar-apple fruit is high in calories and is a good source of iron.

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