Sunday, February 24, 2013

My Current Obsession, DDL

No doubt. He is the greatest. He is the master of his craft and I confess to having a severe crush on him, so severe that well, never mind.  He is like a chameleon. Ever changeable, and unpredictable type of an artist. The "Butcher" in the movie Gangs of New York ,was my favorite character of him. My daughter on the other hand, loved him in "My Left Foot". We had to watch it with a  French voice over (pain in the ass), but she still believed that Christy Brown was him, his acting was superb. And I swear that before my life
ends I have to watch him as Hawkeye, apparently, he is at his sexiest there.

Yes, aside from being a brilliant actor, I mean look at the man. The tattoo, the pirate earring, oh the accent. And yes he is so handsome! The sex appeal is oozing.
I love the mystery that surrounds DDL. His eyes speaks volume. He has a reserved smile and isn't over exposed. He loves his privacy and he steer clears from spotlight. But nevertheless, he is the ultimate actor's actor. Here are some of my fave photos of the man.


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