Sunday, February 17, 2013


We just moved to our not yet finished family house and it's closer to my Lolo, closer to my roots. It's in a less than stellar neighborhood but it has given my family a sense of security and familiarity. Everybody knows everybody here. And everybody seems to look after everybody. For example, during special events like Christmas, birthdays and such, expect something from the next neighbor, maybe an invitation to salo-salo or be given a platter of lechon, pancit and lumpia. Who would refused that?
However, be prepared or be really prepared because celebrations and holidays, heck even normal days, only mean one thing, i.e., Karaoke party,

Now, as everyone knows, karaoke or videoke is part of a typical Filipino household. We just love to sing, even when without the talent. It is pure fun however irritating if done to the extreme.
The blasting of karaoke machines as well as the singer's voice will not only blow your earwax away but also hurt your sleep routine.
Our front neighbor has a small sari-sari store/karaoke business. And my neighbor to the right has a karaoke too, and the next as well. So just imagine, if the three decided to do it all at once! Oh it's a helluva fun! Not.

I don't expect them to burn their karaoke machines, hell no. It seems like aside from the house, children and the pigs and chicken in the yard, K machine is the next most valuable property.
The only thing I wish for them to consider is to do it preferably at daytime.They are doing it to the extent that my 4 year old niece, Arianne would cover her tiny little ears just to have a good night sleep, I should have taken a photo of her doing that. She was already asleep, still hands on her ears. Poor lil thing. My sister Janice, the mom, was not amused at all.

I know this is a free country but most do it so daringly unconscious of their surroundings. I don't mind if someone sings like Pusong Bato :-) or any mellow songs . But I hope those people who are Regine V or Celine D wannabes and try to "birit without the beat and the voice" , would just sing without  maybe ya' know a microphone or just sing in the sidelines.  Now, again this is a free country but some songs just sound too awful when performed by amateurs.
Mind you, I can't sing myself, but I am not Anne Curtis who can get away with singing just because of a pretty face. :-).
So in conclusion, I guess just like everything else, moderation is still the key, even with the popular Karaoke.

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