Thursday, May 31, 2012

Two Peas in a Pod

         Suzy and Sam will be in first grade this June. Boy do they grow up so fast! It seems like yesterday that these two kids were just little babies. I still remember breastfeeding Suzy and Sam2x in his lil diaper. But today, Oh gosh they seem to have minds of their own. Suzy and I live with my sister Honey and her family so these two have been together most of their lives. Though the house is like a war zone everyday, still these two rascals are the center of our lives. They can be exaperating sometimes but they still bring us joy and pride especially when they do well in school. I am very proud of these two. I love you  and I will always do! Kisses..

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Dear mister-whoever-you-are-wherever-you-are,

I read this somewhere, and it's too cute not to share....

Dear mister-whoever-you-are-wherever-you-are,
(but someday destined to be by my side.)

i’m not sure where you are, 
but if you could hurry up 
that would be just peachy.

because the sooner we find each other,
the sooner we can get this party started.

and while i do prefer to be fashionably late
when it comes to parties,

i also know to never 
under any circumstances
be tardy to the party.

and you know what, 
because you were made for me,
and me for you,
you’ll understand that reference
(and love me anyway).

love, your smitten fraulein

I try to remind myself that..

Here are some of my favorite quotes..

Things just don’t work out. That’s the most simple explanation for life. You can dwell on why something that didn’t or shouldn’t have happened, but it did. So just move on. You can sit there crying over someone who did you wrong, or you can go out and live life to it’s fullest. Everyone needs reasons why things are the way that they are, but over thinking over powers your brain. It gets you hanging onto the past when what you really need to be doing is moving forward and focusing on greater things. When things don’t work out, find something that will. Anonymous

"When you want money... what you really want is freedom. When you want appreciation from others... what you really want is appreciation coming forth from self. But in all of that... what is at the core of all that is: what I seek is connection to who I really am. ~ Conversation with Abraham-Hicks

Admit it. You aren’t like them. You’re not even close. You may occasionally dress yourself up as one of them, watch the same mindless television shows as they do, maybe even eat the same fast food sometimes. But it seems that the more you try to fit in, the more you feel like an outsider, watching the ‘normal people’ as they go about their automatic existences. For every time you say club passwords like ‘Have a nice day’ and ‘Weather’s awful today, eh?’ you yearn inside to say forbidden things like ‘Tell me something that makes you cry’ or ‘What do you think deja vu is for?’ Face it, you even want to talk to that girl in the elevator. But what if that girl in the elevator (and the balding man who walks past your cubicle at work) are thinking the same thing? Who knows what you might learn from taking a chance on conversation with a stranger? Everybody carries a piece of the puzzle. Nobody comes into your life by mere coincidence. Trust your instincts. Do the unexpected. Find the others.” - Timothy Leary

Some things you’re not letting happen right now because the timing isn’t perfect for you. Some you’re not letting happen because you are very aware of where you are. But all things, as they are happening, are happening in perfect order. And if you will relax and begin saying, “Everything in its perfect time. Everything is unfolding. And I’m enjoying where I am now, in relationship to where I’m going. Content where I am, and eager for more,” that is the perfect vibrational stance.

Abraham Hicks


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

This Lil Piggy


Suzy is getting bigger and taller each year making her favorite stuffed animal, Piglet, looked tiny when put next to her . It is almost as old as her and they used to be of the same size. My ex husband, her step-dada then, gave it to her when she was only 7 months old. And it got stuck, it became her lovey, her security blanket. She named it "Chow-chow".

Now at 5, she still doesn't sleep without it, still sucks her thumb when she holds it. If I won't insist on it being washed, she doesn't care if its dingy and smelly already. As a matter of fact, it develops a signature scent  which is a mix of sweat, saliva and whatnot if left unwashed for quite sometime. It must smell like heaven to her as she always has a smile on her face everytime she cuddles this thing. But for us, my sisters, her cousin and I, everytime we try to smell it out of curiosity, dang, the unpleasant smell lingers to our noses overnight. 

From a bright pink-colored stuffed toy,  it turned into sort of grayish-pink. It's not as fluffy and cuddly as before. It looks so tattered and over-used, which makes me wonder if I will just secretly hide it from her and just declare that it's missing. But no, I can't really do that. We even bought her several other piglets (so that she will have spare ones if the inevitable thing happens)  but she rejected them all. She loves this old, dirty lil piggy to bits, showing that uncondional love still exists and that, though it's one-sided, her love to this "loyal" friend of hers will never fade.

I have fixed it countless times. Everytime, the threads become bare and the hands and ears become slightly detached, she would immediately run to me,as if there's an emergency, and demand if I could sew it back as quickly as possible. Afterwhich , she would be so relieved and happy like a mother who's child just had a succesful operation. Yes, she treats Chow as her baby. Even talking to it sometimes, well maybe most of the times, I can't really tell as I just caught her doing that a couple of times.

I know it seems like not a good thing that she has created a world with this non-living thing but I noticed that everytime she is having a tough time, say, a fight with the cousin, she would find Chow and it seems to soothe her right away. In a few minutes later, she becomes calm and back to her normal cheerful self. It seems to provide her comfort and solace. So whatever makes my lil girl happy, I go with it. And anyways, I know that eventually and gradually, she will lose her dependence on Chow and break the habit all on her own. So for now, it doesn't really bother me that she cherished this lil piggy so much. I just hope this thing won't get lost or else, well, that's gonna be another story.

Suzy at 10 months

Suzy at 3
(This tiger wanted to replace Chow but to no avail)

Present day

A Wedding, New Work and a Birthday.

Last night one of my dearest friends got married. Conie, my friend since college married her boyfriend of 6 years.Though I missed the mass, I was in in time for their grand entrance in the hall. They danced for what seemed to be forever and it really caught me by surprise. Even the groom Gege, whom I know is a lit bit shy, did his part, he danced his heart out and wow! They both looked so happy together. I have never seen Conie look so radiant as she did last night. With flowers on her hair, she looked so carefree and just amazing.
The night before the wedding, she called me to ask if I could deliver a speech on her special day. At first, I declined as I wasn't prepared plus I dread being on a spotlight. But who am I to decline? She is a loyal and dear friend to me. Good thing my friends, Imelda, Bopep, Michael and his fiancee, Jobel, Mitchie were there to give moral support. So thankfully, I did it without stammering. All in all, I super love the wedding, and the green theme plus I got a young Java mint plant for a souvenir, which sadly I left in the toilet when I changed after the party. Tsk, tsk. classic Regina as what Michael said. Anyway, it was so heartwarming to see someone close to me finally got hitched to the love of her life. Best wishes to both of you, Conie and Gege!

Oh by the way, I have a new job! Wohooh! As a customer service representative for Redpocket Mobile. Though I have to travel an hour and 30 minutes for five days in week and endure irate customers' verbal attacks, I have to put up with it as my Lil Suzy is going back to school this June  Hopefully this job will pay for her tuition and help sustain our needs. God is really good as He answered my prayer. Just when I thought, getting a job here was impossible then I got a call from B Associates. I was teary eyed because this meant that I don't have to fly back to US this year. Suzy and I won't be separated again.
God never fails to amaze me! I know that He has other plans for Suzy and I. So now, everything that comes my way, I accept and take it with all my heart. His time is the best time. He is the one and only God. Love you Jesus!

And oh before I forgot, yesterday was my Suzy's 6th Birthday. However, due to my work, we had to have an early celebration last Sunday. Her father, Donie provided everything. From her cake to her dress, shoes and her gifts. Her grandma, Susan who is in North Carolina also sent her share. After working from 12midnight to 10am, I had to rush to the mall to buy the things we needed for the party. Good thing, my sister Honey was there for me. She prepared everything, the food and the party essentials. I had a short sleep then off we went to my grandpa's house for the party. My 8 year old cousin Koy2x, also had his birthday so it was a dual celebration.
Speaking of Suzy, as I looked at her in her dress, as she was enjoying her lil party, I was beaming with pride and joy inside. Though she drives me nuts sometimes, she is still ultimately love. Watching her made me realized that somehow, I must have done something righteous that God gave me her as a reward. I am so fascinated that not only she makes other people happy (with her amusing lil gestures) but how she makes me so complete and grounded. She just makes everything wonderful. I am so proud of her. Love you Tating!


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

When life gives you lemons

Last Monday, Suzy and I flew to Manila for her visa interview. Unfortunately, the US embassy didn't grant her visa. Of course, I was disappointed. I was really hoping to bring her this summer to US. I cried, ya' know. But well, it's life. Sometimes it gives you lemons.So to make up for the sad news,  I brought her to Ocean Park in Manila as we still had 5 hours to kill before our flight back to CDO. Upon seeing all the different types of fishes there, I think she forgot about the visa all at once. Kids are resilient so good thing she is only five. After seeing the big aquarium, I took her to different rides like the roller coaster sims and the go cart. I fed her with sweet treats like ice cream and other foods she love. Well, I was trying my best to make our day happy despite the visa outcome. She was all so giddy and smiley which I thought was a good thing. Being an adult, I was more affected than her. Thinking that I might have to fly back again to US without her, made my knees weak and my heart ached. I just couldn't do it anymore. I just hope that I will get a new job here very soon. I will really try my very best to look for one. Susy is the only one I got and I don't wanna be far from her anymore, not even a inch so I am crossing my fingers.

Oh by the way, I swore to myself that I will never fly with Zest Air again. On that very same day, it seemed that there were a lot of lemons thrown at us. On our flight back to CDO, Suzy and I almost didn't board the plane as the crew wouldn't let us. Why? Because I didn't bring a copy the of my dad's credit card with me (he booked our flight for us). I told them that on our flight to Manila, they didn't ask for one, how come on our return flight they asked for it, it was a bit of inconsistent of them, don't ya think? Most domestic airlines don't ask for it anymore, as long as you bring your ID's.
So I told them , "So what you are telling me is, I have to go out, find a computer, and print the copy, come back here and If I am lucky we can still catch the flight, what If I won't make it on time?" They told me to get on the next flight which will be in the next morning. Which means that I will have to book a flight again, cost my dad another $100 and which also means that we have to either sleep in the airport or pay a ridiculous price for one night n a hotel.  I told them its 3:00 am in the US right now, it would be impossible for me to get hold of  my dad as for sure they are sleeping . I pleaded , I begged, told them that I didn't have the extra means to stay one night in Manila, but no, they seemed to have hearts of stone. Keep on declining my request.
So I called my dad, good thing he answered after a few rings and told him about my dilemna. I asked him to email me the copy of the credit card.  I then asked one of the crews if I could use their computer (one they used in checking in passengers) to check my mail and told them that instead of a hard copy, I could show them my dad's email with the scanned copy. (They hadn't though of that)  Good thing they agreed. Suzy and I were the last ones to board the plane. Whew, what an experience. Zest Air customer service sucks! It was my first time and never again!